Sutton Eagles FC
Sutton Eagles FC

We were hoping to be back at our monthly tournaments for 2024/2025



SUNDAY 22nd September 2024

SUNDAY 27th October 2024

SUNDAY 24thNovember 2024 

SUNDAY 8th December 2024

SUNDAY 26th January 2025

SUNDAY 23rd February 2025

SUNDAY 23rd March 2025

SUNDAY 27th April 2025

SUNDAY 18th May 2025


Please arrive by 10am 






Saturday 7th 

Saturday 14th 

Saturday 21st 

Saturday 28th




Saturday 12th 

Saturday 19th 




Saturday 16th 

Saturday 23rd




Saturday 7th 



Saturday 11th -  SESSION CANCELLED

Saturday 18th  - SESSION CANCELLED

Saturday 25th -  SESSION CANCELLED 



Saturday 1st   - SESSION CANCELLED



MARCH 2025 

Saturday 8th

Saturday 15th 

Saturday 22nd

Saturday 29th 


APRIL 2025

Saturday 26th 


MAY 2025 

Saturday 3rd 

Saturday 10th 

Saturday 12th 


JUNE 2025 

Saturday 7th 

Saturday 14th 

Saturday 21st 

Saturday 28th 


JULY 2025 

Saturday 5th 

Saturday 12th 







CPFC vs Man Utd 21st September 2024                                                                                                                    What a great game! Everyone had fun watching the game in the box at Palace.

Regular sessions continue                         

Sutton Eagles FC on Songs of Praise

Sunday 4th August at 1.15pm on BBC1.

The programme includes an interview with Louise and film from Radzi Chinyanganya's visit to the Eagles.

Thank you Anna Dance

This is amazing!

We have received a donation of £1,450 from the family of Anna Dance.

This is what her daughter says on the fundraising page:

  • Our beautiful mother Anna Dance was a huge football fan and enjoyed watching the beautiful game very much.
  • She was Real Madrid's greatest fan and, from the 1950s when she lived in Madrid, was a season ticket holder, which was quite unusual for a woman in those days.
  • She followed her team with a passion and was so proud of the Spanish national team and their recent successes.
  • My son Tony was born with very complex special needs. Our mother and Tony shared the most wonderful bond and she loved him
  • My sisters Mary, Julie and I have sent up a fundraising page in memory of our mother and for other very special children like Tony.
  • We will donate all the funds to "Sutton Eagles FC" a  special needs football club, which is a small local charity that gives children with special needs the opportunity to play football and develop their confidence, social and physical skills.

Thank you to Mary and her family.


Thank you Rotary

We have received some generous donations in the past couple of months and are very gratefull for the support.

We are very grateful for a £500 donation from Rotary - thank you!

Photos added

A couple of pictures from a recent tournament can be found on the Gallery page.

Easter Break 2024

There will be no sessions on the following Saturdays:





We start again on the 20th April.

Sessions after Easter 2024

Dates after half-term and our our sessions until the Summer holidays are:
April  20th, 27th

May 4th, 11th, 18th, 18th

June 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

July 6th, 13th, 20th 



July 2023 


After many successfull years at Sutton Eagles, our coach Steve is sadly leaving.


Steve will be missed by everyone. We thank him for helping the kids and the positive impact he has had on many of the young children over the years. 


We also said goodbye to Craig and Chris who assisted Steve with coaching. Thank you for all your hardwork. You will both be missed and we wish you all the best for the future.


We look forward to our new coach Andy, who will be starting in September 2023. 






2018 AGM

The club's AGM was held on December 1st 2018.

Louise stepped down after 8 years as Chair. Sue has taken over that role and Jane is the new Secretary.  Colin continues as Treasurer.
After the meeting the players, coaches and parents said 'thank you' to Louise and gave her a gift.

The club say 'thank you' to Louise
Sue, Louise and Jane

December 2018

We are now close to the end of the Autumn term.  The remaining dates for 2018 are:

December 8th and December 15th.

We will begin again in 2019 on January 12th.

An Afternoon with Oops

On October 14th the Oops quartet put on an afternoon of barbershop music and cake to raise funds for the club.  About 80 people attended and £700 was raised.

Thank you to Oops, their Minion guests and all who helped organise the event.

Welcome back

We hope you all had a good Summer.  The new session starts on Saturday 8th September.

Sessions will follow on:

September 15th

September 22nd

September 29th

October 7th

October 14th


We will then break for half-term and begin again on November 4th.

Summer 2018

We are now well into the final session for this year.  We still have sessions on Saturdays 7th and 14th July and then we will take a break until 8th September.

Easter Break

We have now finsihed for the Easter holidays.
We begin again on Saturday 21st April and will meet weekly until Saturday 19th May.

Saturday 3rd March

Sutton Eagles sessions will be taking place today.  The car park at Pulse, Carshalton College is open.  Hope to see you there.

Half-term break

We have now completed the first half of the Spring term.  There will be no sessions on 10th February or 17th February.  We start again on Saturday 24th February, with sessions also on March 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th.

November 25th - No Sessions

Due to the unavailability of coaches we have had to cancel the sessions for Saturday 25th November.  We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope to see you on Saturday 2nd December.

Half-term break

We have finished our first half-term and now have a break.  We begin again on 4th November.

The dates until the end of the year are:

November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

December 2nd, 9th, 16th

New Season

We hope you all had a good Summer.
The 2017-18 season begins on Saturday September 9th.  The session for older children (11+) will run from 12.30 to 1.30pm and the session for the younger group will run from 1.30 to 2.30pm, during term time.
The sessions for the rest of 2017 are:
September 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.
October 7th, 14th.
November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th.
December 2nd, 9th, 16th.

Future dates

It's now half-term and we're taking a short break.  We start again on Saturday 17th June.
Then we have sessions on June 24th, and July 1st, 8th & 15th.

End of the season

The club took part in the monthly tournaments during the last 9 months.  They showed great commitment and a good sporting attitude.  Well done everyone - you were brilliant.

We're back

The Summer term has started and sessions are running on Saturdays.
Our dates until half-term are:
April 22nd, 29th
May 6th, May 13th & 20th

Dates until Easter

We meet on the following Saturdays:
February 25th
March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th

Half Term Break

We have completed the first half term of 2017.
We have had very good numbers with the older group and in the younger group participation has not been so regular so although the number attending each week has been good the number of children involved over the half-term is even better.
We are now into our half-term break and begin again on Saturday 25th February.

Happy Christmas 2016

We have now finished for 2016 and wish all our players, families and friends a very Happy Christmas and healthy New Year.
We begin again on Saturday 7th January.  See you then.

Christmas Party at Selhurst Park

Once again the club were invited to the Crystal Palace Supporters Children's Charity Christmas Party at Selhurst Park.  Several of our members went and had a great evening enjoying the entertainment, food and the presence of the first team players.

More pictures can be found in the gallery (well done if you can name all the players featured).

Thank you CPCS.

Welcome Back

Welcome to the new season.  Sessions have started again at Pulse, Carshalton College.  The dates for the rest of 2016 are:

September 17th & 24th.

October 1st, 8th & 15th.

November 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th.

December 3rd, 10th & 17th.

Summer Break

The Summer has come (and the weather is being reasonably good) so we are having a break.
We begin again on Saturday 10th September and will run up until half-term- see you then.

Summer Term

We are currently on our half-term break and start again on Saturday 18th June.

The other sessions for the term will be on the following Saturdays:
June 25th

July 2nd

July 9th

July 16th

Thank You to Carshalton Park Rotary Club

Carshalton Park Rotary Club has been busy collecting for local charities over the Christmas period and the Club President has nominated his own choice of organisation to receive £500 and that is Sutton Eagles FC. Thank you to Ian and Carshalton Park Rotary Club.


Half-Term Break

Having reached the half-term break our next session will be Saturday 27th February.

We will then meet on the following Saturdays:
March 5th

March 12th

March 19th

For those of you who want to know more,

Robert Eaton is remembered at the site of the September 11 2001 attacks,


Robert Eaton's memorial at Ground Zero

A Generous Gift

The Robert Eaton Memorial Fund have made another very generous gift to support the Sutton Eagles.  We have received a grant of £5000.

The REMF was set up by supporters of Brighton & Hove Albion in memory of Robert.

Their facebook group and website say this:


Today The REMF have granted £5,000 to Sutton Eagles FC.

The money will provide children with special needs, in Sutton and the surrounding area, an opportunity to play football and develop their social and physical skills; and in doing so, improve their confidence and self-esteem.

This donation also recognises the contribution from Crystal Palace fans supporting the REMF, making sure the money we raise also goes back to their community, as well as The Albion's

Without them, REMF wouldn't be as successful as it is today


We enter two teams in the monthly Football For All tournament held on Sundays at the Xcel Leisure complex, Walton on Thames.

16's and under & under 12's.




We have now completed the first half of the Summer term.  We were due to start back on Saturday 9th June. Unfortunately we need to cancel the session for 9th June due to a shortage of coaches.  We apologise for the short notice. It is very unusual for us to have to do this but we need to ensure the safety of our players.

We will be back at Pulse on Sat 23rd June.
On Saturday 16th June we will be joining Wandgas FC for their 5-a- side tournament and BBQ 9-12.30pm.  There will be players of all ages so please do come along and support this fun event if you can.
Our next session at Pulse will be on Saturday 23rd June.

Opening Tournament

The first monthly Football for All tournament took place at Walton on Sunday 27th September.  The weather was great and we were able to field a full team who had mixed fortunes.  However there were good signs developing of playing together as a team and younger members gaining confidence.

Well done lads.


More photos can be found in our gallery.

Saturday 26th September

Thank you to all who came along on Saturday when we didn't have any of our regular coaches.  Most of the children coped well with the less structured session and we are grateful for the support provided by parents.

We are back to normal on 3rd October.


The dates for the rest of the year are:

3rd October

10th October

17th October


7th November

14th November

21st November

28th November


5th December

12th December

We're Back

We have our website back - sorry for the problems of the last few months.
Please note that our address is now (not


We're also back on Saturdays!  Now that September is here we begin our weekly sessions on Saturday 12th September at the Pulse Sports Centre.

11-16 12.30-1.30pm

5-11 1.30-2.30pm

New members are always welcome

Welcome to Sutton Eagles FC.

Sutton Eagles F.C. was initially set up in early 2004. It is run by the parents, with coaching provided by qualified coaches.  We seek to provide children with special needs, in Sutton and the surrounding area, an opportunity to play football and develop their social and physical skills;  and in doing so, improve their confidence and self-esteem.

A football club for young people with special needs and disabilities.​ 


Sessions are held on Saturdays during term time only.

16's and under 12.30 - 1.30pm

Under 12's 1.30 - 2.30pm.


Our sessions are held at:
Pulse Health and Fitness Centre

Nightingale Road, Carshalton
Surrey SM5 2EJ

Get social with us.

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© Sutton Eagles FC